Simply add as many items as you wish to your shopping cart while visiting our store. Once you want to proceed with the order, go to the cart and clicking "checkout".Follow the instructions by providing us with delivery information and select payment method for the items.You can select your preferred payment method at checkout. We accept secure payments for both local & international customers via Credit Cards, Debit Cards & PayPal.Note that additional exchange fee may apply if your currency is other than MYR Ringgit.Upon payment has been made, you will receive a shipping confirmation and tracking number once your package has been prepared for delivery. Items will be shipped out on the next working day.Our support team is always happy to guide you at any step!
Yes, we ensure that all products provided by Easy Cam are safe to use. We takes the safety of baby as the first priority.
The material used for Baby Monitoring Cam is lightweight, non-toxic and hence suitable for baby. Its lightweight design is to protect from harming baby and cause accident.
Besides, its round face design cam also protects baby from having a scratch by the edges of camera.
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